What is Sing Out Asia

"Sing Out" means to sing or say something clearly and loudly. Sing Out Asia wants to sing or say our thought clearly and loudly.

We want to encourage Asian youth to have new mentality. "The Age of Asia" has come. Beyond nationalism we should unite. Asia has become one of the centers of the Earth in terms of business, politics and culture. However, Asian youth have not realized that they have responsibility in managing this planet Earth.

Non-profit organization Sing Out Asia wants to produce young global leaders from Asia who can contribute to the current demand of international society.

Non-profit Organization Sing Out Asia was established on December 4, 2007.

On November 12 2013, Sing Out Asia is registered by Tokyo Metropolitan Government as a public interest organization for three years.

Blog / News

Author: I am a writer, translator and one of the directors of Non-profit Organization Sing Out Asia.

  • = 9/18/2012 =

    A Cappella Concert in Thailand

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt ut voluptatum eius sapiente, totam reiciendis temporibus qui quibusdam, recusandae sit vero unde, sed, incidunt et ea quo dolore laudantium consectetur!

  • = 2/5/2012 =

    Lao students

    SOA is ready for the program. We have 34 students from Japan, Indonesia, Thailand and Laos. After a seminar in Puncak, we go around the West Jawa. This kind of traveling has not done before? Youth from 4 countries are traveling together. Japanese government has a program called the Ship for Southeast Asian Youth. This is a big program. I helped their programs inside Japan for two years, when I was younger. Well, SOA may be doing similar program small way?

  • = 3/24/2012 =

    Cross-Culture Tour & Camp

    March 2012, we can go to Indonesia for the Cross-Culture Training Camp. We can ask youth from Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Philippines and other places to join us. Maybe 15 Indonesian students can join us too. We may go to Jakarta first then travel to Yogyakarta and Borobudur by a big bus. It gona be great fun and adventure! There are six Japanese students have signed up already.

  • = 10/20/2011 =

    A financial report of 2011

    I now have a financial report of 2011 for Sing Out Asia from our accounting office. (Covering Sep 1, 2010 ~ Aug, 31 2011) We lost 1,300,000 yen during the period. I personally took care of the loss. All the loss was made by our Music Activities. SOA went to Indonesia , Malaysia and Taiwan during this period. Accumulated loss of SOA amounts more than 4,000,000 Yen in 4 years. From now on, I want to balance the income and spending. I stop paying my own money to sustain music activities. Sing Out Asia can not get registered as Registered None-Profit Organization for a while that we can not expect a donation from Foundations. I think we will have no SOA music program in 2012. Sorry!!! We need a lot of change to our Music activities.

  • = 12/2/2011 =

    A night for participants

    During the Cross-Culture Training Camp & Tour of next March, we might have a night for the participants. After Cross-Culture training we travel together and become bood friends. However, many past participants told us that they wanted to express more about them selves. So " A night for the participants" can be one. Participants can organize an event by themselves.

  • = 10/20/2011 =

    A financial report of 2011

    I now have a financial report of 2011 for Sing Out Asia from our accounting office. (Covering Sep 1, 2010 ~ Aug, 31 2011) We lost 1,300,000 yen during the period. I personally took care of the loss. All the loss was made by our Music Activities. SOA went to Indonesia , Malaysia and Taiwan during this period. Accumulated loss of SOA amounts more than 4,000,000 Yen in 4 years.

  • = 12/2/2011 =

    A night for participants

    During the Cross-Culture Training Camp & Tour of next March, we might have a night for the participants. After Cross-Culture training we travel together and become bood friends. However, many past participants told us that they wanted to express more about them selves. So " A night for the participants" can be one. Participants can organize an event by themselves.

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